Site announcements

Free FITREC Student Registration - UPDATED

by Dean Meldrum -

Hello everyone,  


The College of Health and Fitness has some exciting news to share with our community. We are proud to announce our collaboration with FITREC.  


FITREC is a leader in the international fitness industry with experts from around the globe coming together to create a support network for fitness, health, and wellness students and professionals.  


All our students are invited to register for free with FITREC for access to resources and registration. Click here to sign up: FITREC Student Registration .

Proof of Course Enrolment is your enrolment email when you first enrolled in the course from The College of Health and Fitness.  If you do not have this please contact for that to be reissued to you.  You will need to screenshot the above section of your enrolment confirmation and submit this as part of your registration. 

With this registration your qualifications will be recognised INTERNATIONALLY.

You will also be able to interact with the Jobs Board on the FITREC website to assist you in landing your DREAM Career.  


We hope you are all able to make use of this amazing opportunity, 


From the team here at The College of Health and Fitness, 

(Edited by Tony Attridge - original submission Thursday, 25 July 2024, 9:09 AM)

(Edited by Tony Attridge - original submission Thursday, 25 July 2024, 9:09 AM)

(Edited by Tony Attridge - original submission Thursday, 25 July 2024, 9:09 AM)

Attachment Screenshot 2024-07-25 at 10.02.48 AM.png


by Vivienne Abraham -

Hi Everyone

We have some exciting News ....

You will see from the end of May that we have uploaded 2025 versions of all units for the Cert II Sport Coaching, Cert II Sport and Recreation, Cert III Fitness and Cert II Health Support Services qualifications.  If you are enrolled in any of these qualifications, you will now have access to both 2024 and 2025 versions of each unit.  

The 2025 units have been undated to be mostly auto-marking for Knowledge Questions and quizzes.  This means that answers will be marked automatically as soon as the assessment is submitted.  The format of the questions has also been changed to make the theory assessment more user friendly and less time consuming.  



The new and improved 2025 units will be visible in the "My Courses" area of the platform.  The 2025 units are clearly marked so when you are ready to start a new unit, simply select the 2025 version to access the new unit.  You will not need to touch the 2024 version.



  • Do I need to do both versions of a unit? 
    • NO - You are only required to complete ONE VERSION of each unit. 
  • What if I have already started a unit?
    • If you have already started a 2024 unit and are more than one third of the way through we recommend that you continue with that version. You can switch to the 2025 version but you will have to start the unit from the beginning.  
  • What if I have not yet started a unit?
    • If you have not yet started a unit please use the 2025 version.  
  • What if I have already successfully completed a unit?
    • Great! that unit is done.  You only need to do any incomplete units.
  • How do I access the new units?
    • You can access the new units exactly the same way you have been accessing all of your previous units, through the "My courses" tab on your home screen. 
  • How do I know which are the 2025 units?
    • Each new 2025 unit will be clearly marked with 2025 in the title.



Contact the office at TCOHAF via phone 3385 0195 or email at any time during business hours for assistance or, if you are a school student, have a chat with your teacher.



by Tony Attridge -


As we move into the midway part of the year I would just like to remind everyone of the additional support that we provide here at TCOHAF at no extra charge to assist you in completing your course. 

Please, if you are struggling or getting behind reach out to us via one of the following methods so that we may assist you in gaining your qualification. 

  1. BBB - Every WEDNESDAY night we have an online Workshop where you can log in and a trainer will be there to assist you in whatever questions or sections you may be struggling in. The link to this is pinned at the top of your student Dashboard.
  2. You should all by now be able to see you completion progress report on each course you are completing with us on the right hand side of your screen. Green means you have passed that part, Red means that you have some additional work to do and Blue are aspects that you have not started to date. Hover over the blocks and they will tell you what you have left to do. Clicking on them will take you directly to that specific area.

  3.  Also on the right hand side is now a dedication section where you are able to see how long you have spent on any particular course. By clicking on that you will be able to see when you logged in and how long you have been logged in for.

  4.  By now all of you, if you have work that needs to be resubmitted outstanding, would have received an email from Michelle Ramos offering her assistance to help you complete that outstanding work. If you have not seen this message click on the chat bubble next to your profile icon. You will be able to reply to her there. Or you can email her on

  5. In that chat bubble you will also be able to contact the trainer assigned to your course. To do so click on their name and send them a message if you need assistance.

  6.  You are also able to contact TCOHAF via phone 3385 0195 or email at any time during business hours for assistance.

  7. Finally we will also be conducting our SCHOOL HOLIDAY COURSES again over the June/July Holidays. Registration forms for the specific days will be available next week.

    All of the students who attended the EASTER Holiday Course completed all of the theory aspects of their respective courses in the applicable sessions.

    These students are now able to focus solely on the practical aspects of the course without having to worry about any theory work. 

    If you would like to complete all of your theory before school goes back in July sign up and attend these free workshops.

    If there is anything else we can do here at TCOHAF to make your course that little bit easier and to assist you in completing you applicable course please do not hesitate to reach out to us.


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