

by Tony Attridge -
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As we move into the midway part of the year I would just like to remind everyone of the additional support that we provide here at TCOHAF at no extra charge to assist you in completing your course. 

Please, if you are struggling or getting behind reach out to us via one of the following methods so that we may assist you in gaining your qualification. 

  1. BBB - Every WEDNESDAY night we have an online Workshop where you can log in and a trainer will be there to assist you in whatever questions or sections you may be struggling in. The link to this is pinned at the top of your student Dashboard.
  2. You should all by now be able to see you completion progress report on each course you are completing with us on the right hand side of your screen. Green means you have passed that part, Red means that you have some additional work to do and Blue are aspects that you have not started to date. Hover over the blocks and they will tell you what you have left to do. Clicking on them will take you directly to that specific area.

  3.  Also on the right hand side is now a dedication section where you are able to see how long you have spent on any particular course. By clicking on that you will be able to see when you logged in and how long you have been logged in for.

  4.  By now all of you, if you have work that needs to be resubmitted outstanding, would have received an email from Michelle Ramos offering her assistance to help you complete that outstanding work. If you have not seen this message click on the chat bubble next to your profile icon. You will be able to reply to her there. Or you can email her on

  5. In that chat bubble you will also be able to contact the trainer assigned to your course. To do so click on their name and send them a message if you need assistance.

  6.  You are also able to contact TCOHAF via phone 3385 0195 or email at any time during business hours for assistance.

  7. Finally we will also be conducting our SCHOOL HOLIDAY COURSES again over the June/July Holidays. Registration forms for the specific days will be available next week.

    All of the students who attended the EASTER Holiday Course completed all of the theory aspects of their respective courses in the applicable sessions.

    These students are now able to focus solely on the practical aspects of the course without having to worry about any theory work. 

    If you would like to complete all of your theory before school goes back in July sign up and attend these free workshops.

    If there is anything else we can do here at TCOHAF to make your course that little bit easier and to assist you in completing you applicable course please do not hesitate to reach out to us.

