Cert II Health Support Services - 2025 Units NOW OPEN

Cert II Health Support Services - 2025 Units NOW OPEN

by Vivienne Abraham -
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Cert II Health Support Services Students - 

2025 Version units are now open ....

You will now see that we have uploaded 2025 versions of all units for the Cert II Health Support Services qualification which means that you now have access to both 2024 and 2025 versions of each unit.  

The 2025 units have been undated to be mostly auto-marking for Knowledge Questions and quizzes.  This means that answers will be marked automatically as soon as the assessment is submitted.  The format of the questions has also been changed to make the theory assessment more user friendly and less time consuming.  


The new and improved 2025 units will be visible in the "My Courses" area of the platform.  The 2025 units are clearly marked so when you are ready to start a new unit, simply select the 2025 version to access the new unit.  You will not need to touch the 2024 version if you are doing the 2025 version.


  • Do I need to do both versions of a unit? 
    • NO - You are only required to complete ONE VERSION of each unit. 
  • What if I have already started a unit?
    • If you have already started a 2024 unit and are more than one third of the way through we recommend that you continue with that version. You can switch to the 2025 version but you will have to start the 2025 unit from the beginning.  
  • What if I have not yet started a unit?
    • If you have not yet started a unit please use the 2025 version.  
  • What if I have already successfully completed a unit?
    • Great! that unit is done.  You only need to do any incomplete units.
  • How do I access the new units?
    • You can access the new units exactly the same way you have been accessing all of your previous units, through the "My courses" tab on your home screen. 
  • How do I know which are the 2025 units?
    • Each new 2025 unit will be clearly marked with 2025 in the title.


Contact the office at TCOHAF via phone 3385 0195 or email admin@cohaf.edu.au at any time during business hours for assistance or, if you are a school student, have a chat with your teacher.